Learn the 5 common causes of feminine itching and how to treat them.
3. Irritants
Irritant vaginal/vulva dermatitis is a skin condition that occurs when irritants come into contact with your skin. Itching develops and exposure to additives can result in a rash. Contact irritants can include anything from laungry detergents, fabric softeners, body soap, deodorized tampons or pads, feminine hygiene products and contraceptive jellies. Regular use of these products over a period of time causes irritation, burning and itching. If you are prone to sensitivity around the genital area, stick to unscented tampons and panty liners, mild and fragrance-free soap and bath in water that's neither too hot nor cold.
4. Menopause
As a woman approaches menopause, the drop in estrogen level may cause thinning of the vaginal wall and less lubrication, which can lead to a dry and itchy sensation and pain during sex. If untreated, this may progress to burning for many women. Small amounts of estrogen cream can solve the problem.