Birth Control Pills: What Should I Do When I Miss A Pill?
I'm currently on birth control pills, and I have a question: What should I do if I forget to take a pill? Should I take two pills at the next time?
If you miss a pill, take it as soon as you remember and take the next pill at the usual time. It is okay to take two pills at a time, but it's common to experience some nausea. Continue to take the remaining pills at the right time. You may also have some spotting, which may continue until you start on the next pack of pills.
If you have sex within the seven days of skipping one pill, do use a backup method of birth control like a condom or diaphragm for extra protection against pregnancy. After seven days of taking the pill correctly, you will be back on schedule.
If you miss more than one pill, however, just take the last missed pill as soon as you remember -- there's no need to take the other missed pills. Then continue the rest of the pack as usual. Remember to use another method of contraception until you start on the next cycle of pills.
As a general guide, the first few pills in the pack are the most important ones to take on time. These pills, taken before the middle of your cycle, do the most to prevent pregnancy by altering cervical mucus and preventing ovulation. So if you want to maximize the effectiveness, it's key to be consistent when it comes to taking your pills. To help you remember, you can set your pill time at the same time as another activity that you do everyday, such as brushing your teeth, or having breakfast.