5 Hidden Energy Sappers

Stealth habits that can leave you drained. Plus quick pick-me-up solutions.

Energy sapper #3:

Your posture

Research shows that slouching uses five times more energy than standing up straight, causing muscle tension and cutting blood flow to the brain. The sustained stress of slouching is also linked to fatigue, digestive problems and recurring headaches.

Energy fix: Try this posture technique: Imagine a string pulling you up from the top of your head and aligning your vertebrae. At the same time, keep your shoulders, chest, and abdoment relaxed, and your pelvis slightly tilted forward. Hold yourself in this upright posture as often as you remember -- maintaining a good posture will become second nature before you know it.

Energy sapper #4:

Your caffeine habit

You might get a perk from that 3 p.m. Starbucks cuppa, but caffeine can stay in your system for up to eight hours or more. If you drink your coffee too late in the afternoon, it may disrupt your sleep at night, stealing the restorative rest you need.

Energy fix: Limit your coffee intake to no more than 300mg of caffeine daily (or about two or three 8-ounce cups) to avoid exhausting your adrenal glands. Avoid caffeinated drinks about eight hours before bedtime -- if you're sleepy in the afternoon, reach for an energizing high-protein snack like a handful of almonds instead, or take a short nap.

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